- Publisher :Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry
- Publisher(Ko) :한국펄프종이공학회
- Journal Title :Journal of Korea TAPPI
- Journal Title(Ko) :펄프종이기술
- Volume : 55
- No :6
- Pages :150-151
The Original Article was published on 30 October 2023Corrigendum to : Journal of Korea TAPPI(2023) 55(5):83-95
펄프․종이기술 55(5):83-95 ‘적외선 분광법과 기계학습을 이용한 셀룰로오스 아세테이트의 치환도 예측 모델링 (Lee et al. 2023)’의 본문 중 Fig. 1과 Fig. 2에 인용문헌 표기가 필요하다고 판단되어 해당사항을 다음과 같이 공지함.
Fig. 1. Visualization of machine learning model (a: PLS-DA, b: SVM, c: KNN) (inspired Jang et al. 2020).
Fig. 2. Visualization of confusion matrix for classification with N classes (Abraham et al. 2019).
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2. Abraham, S., Huynh, C., and Vu, H., Classification of soils into hydrologic groups using machine learning, Data 5(1):2 (2019).
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