Copyright Transfer Agreement

Copyright Transfer and Author Agreement


The documents submitted for publication in Journal of KOREA TAPPI entitled,                                        (the “Work”) by the undersigned one or more person(s) (the “Author(s)”), the Author(s) hereby agree as follows:  


1.The intellectual property ownership remains with the author(s), and they retain the right to reproduce the article for non-commercial purposes; to prepare derivative works from the article and to authorize others to make any non-commercial use of the article as long as the original publication in J. of Korea TAPPI is cited


2.The Author (Co-authors) guarantees that the Materials are an original work, submitted only to this Journal, and have not been published previously.
In case the Materials were written jointly with Co-authors, the Author guarantees that he has informed them of the terms of this Agreement and obtained their signatures or written permission to sign on their behalf.


3.The parties agree that, in accordance with legislation, they allow and admit that a reproduction of the text of the present Agreement and the signatures of the parties on the present Agreement, as well as copies of other necessary and mandatory documents (mentioned in the present Agreement) addended to the Agreement, by using such means as mechanical, electronic or other form of copying of the personal signatures and text of the Agreement, will have the same equal force and be considered as an original signature or original document. Facsimile (electronic) copies of the documents are valid and have equal legal force on par with the originals.


Corresponding AUTHOR


(Last Name, First Name, Official Position, Passport Information)


Correspondence Address                                                                                                                   




(Signature)                                           (Date)



CO-AUTHOR’S SIGNATURE:                                                                                                               

Name (please print):                                                                      DATE:                                          


CO-AUTHOR’S SIGNATURE:                                                                                                               

Name (please print):                                                                      DATE:                                          


CO-AUTHOR’S SIGNATURE:                                                                                                               

Name (please print):                                                                      DATE:                                          


CO-AUTHOR’S SIGNATURE:                                                                                                               

Name (please print):                                                                      DATE:                                          


CO-AUTHOR’S SIGNATURE:                                                                                                               

Name (please print):                                                                      DATE:                                          


CO-AUTHOR’S SIGNATURE:                                                                                                               

Name (please print):                                                                      DATE:                                          



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